Wednesday, November 13, 2013

That right I am in the air

Flying over here was very quite. You can see that this plane was very emty. I even sat by myself. It was really nice to watch a little tv too. Bill came and picked me up and we went to lunch, Costco. Then went and got the beautiful truck that Charlie and Julie let me use everytime I am in town. Went to my second god. Walmart. Ran into a couple I have not seen for many years. Bruce and Patty. We talked about all that has been going on. 
I have one problem I found out. My Amercican Express card has expired as of July 2013. So it is a going to be a challange to buy all I want with the funds I have. Hopefully today I will talk with them and maybe send me a new card before I leave. Oh well, He knew all this before I got back here. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...