Friday, November 22, 2013

This is the Men's group of Calvary Chapel Ft Laud.

I have been invited to their meeting many times. (by e mail) But as I live in The Bahamas, I am not able to attend. So this time here, I wrote back and make sure there would be room for me to make this one. Which you can see I did. It was so nice to just meet some new guys. I did see some of my old friends too. But this time was about FORGIVING. Well our speaker was Pastor Joel. You can see he has a different look about him. he was in a car wreck when he was only two years old. He had a chance to share about his life and how we all have scares, some on the out side. but most of us on the INSIDE. He shared about how God just uses him each day. It is so funny but sad how God is using him now. If you know kids, when they see someone like Joel. Their first questions What Happen to you? So now Pastor Joel over sees the Children Ministry. He told us, how kids react around him. Then he told us about how this ministry he is in now. Has help him deal with his own scares inside. How he use to dislike when kids would ask him questions. You know what he is trying to say. He just wants to have a normal life. Which he does. he is married and has two wonderful children. It really was a eye opener on how we all have scares and how do we deal with them. 

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