Sunday, November 17, 2013

This is my Uncle Bernnie

I took a ride yesterday to north Florida. I was thinking of saving money on tolls, so I drove up on I-95. Thinking I get up this way just go across some where and will find this place. So I stopped at a McDonald's along I-95. So while looking on line I found out I was way off to where I needed to be. I tried calling my cousin Mary, no answer. So I kept driving west. I knew I would find this place. Then I tired again to call, she answered and told me I was about 40 miles out still. So I told her I would call when I got closer. It all worked out. We meet at Cracker Barrel on route 50. Clemount,Fl. We sat around and had a nice meal and just talked. Then we piled into her car. drove around the corner to Uncle Bennie;s place. He looked at me and said, Carl? You look just like Carl! It was a very nice thing to say. I miss my dad and for a family member to remember him was a honour. We sat there and just had a good old time. Mary and I were the ones talking, but he sat there and listened. I would ask him some questions and he knew the answers. It really was a good time to just see them and get some what caught up. Mary has been through a lot in her life. So just talking with her, I believe she felt my concern. Plus we even talk about Jesus a little. She believes she is a Christian and that alone was much comfort to me. I really hope and pray she will keep in touch and maybe one day we as a family will be able to come together and just talk. 
As of today, she will not be able to make it to Bon's place. But ad least I did have some time with her and Uncle Bennie. That was all I was looking for. 
I can tell you this, I am using Dennis's GPS to get up here. I could not even find out how to program it. So I guess driving up here was a nice easy trip, any way.
Today we as the rest of the family will be getting together at Bon's home. I will share those pictures tomorrow. I am really excited about this time coming. It has been many years since I have seem a couple of these guys. Deb and Jon have taken a couple of trip over to the islands in the last couple of years. Bonita, I saw her last year. So we will be together as a family again and it should be a kick. 

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