Sunday, December 09, 2018

Folks this is the place to be at.

I little cloud cover but still beautiful. While sitting here a little spray of rain started up. 

Looking back towards the castle there is a rainbow happening. 

Billy and I are on our way to Starbucks to pick up some stuff. So as he is driving I love taking pictures and just hanging out. 

Coming back along West Bay Street. 

As we are heading towards Baha Mar, I see this Harley coming up around us. 

It is funny that there only a few here. When I lived here, I use to go to the Harley store down town and talk with the staff, saying how can you sell Harley shirts and stuff here. There is no Harley's here on the island? The girl told me back then there was four on the island. 

This is the New IMAX theatre here. 

I have seen a few Christmas Tree tents up around the island. I need to stop and find out how much they are going for. 

We are back at The Patio Sale Place. This is where Billy and friend have stuff to sell here. 

There are so crazy shirts to buy here. I wish I had the guts to wear one of them. Look at the price they get too. Now Billy sells then a lot cheater. 

Afterwards the kids went swimming down behind their home. What a great place this is. 

What a way to finish the day off. 
Folks this trip has been very refreshing and enjoyable. 
This is Saturday the Dec 1st. You believe that it is the 1st of Dec, how can this be????
Crazy time. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...