Monday, December 24, 2018

My last full day here on Nassau Bahamas.

Another beautiful sunrise and my last full day here. 

You can see how I make friends. Always bring a sweet roll down to the water's edge and you have a friend or three. 

I am not sure who but someone dropped me off at the ALC Camp. This is the old bathhouse. The one on the right is the new one. Not sure why I didn't take a picture of it??? 

This is the small trail to the fire pit. 

This trail takes you to the cabins. 

There are now 6 full running cabins. That means there are ad least 7 bunk beds in each one. 14 beds plus. 

Walking into the new bathhouse. the floor still looking good. This is a epoxy floor. A guy named Ryan came over (Calvary) for a couple of days and helped me put this in. (2011?) 

This kinda saddens me. Everything that is stainless silver is pitted an just looking bad. 

This is going back to the laundry room behind the bathhouse. 

Still looking pretty good back here. 

This is the septic tank for this building. 

As i had a key to open thing up. This is the old bathhouse, now it if for storage. 

This is where the sinks use to be. 

You can see how the building is falling apart. The re bar is rusting and pushing the cement out away from it. 

This is looking towards the dinning hall 

This is the basket ball court in back. 

Here is a picture of the new bathhouse. looking towards the cabins. 

This is what is called Poison Wood. It is worst that Poison Ivy. The problem with this is you don't know you have it until you wake up the next morning and now you do know it. Sometimes it take up to three days to know it too. 

This hammock was given to me the last year I was here. a guy named Nathan (Mission Discovery) went out and bought it for me. I think he paid like $168. for it. I really did enjoy laying around on it some days. Just to relax and swing. 

I walked back over to the ALC. Walking in the kids and folks see this beautiful play ground. Almost very kids ask if  they can go down the slide?  

Well before I came over I was talking with a couple of guys about the gate. I was hoping we could make it look better. But as I talked with Kenneth (director) He was saying after Jan 2019 they will be looking into having someone build aluminum gate. Well I know it is not the same. But is will last for many more years and look better than this does. 

While I was walking around I came into the patting farm area. 

This is  Jessie. He has been trying to train the raccoons to listen and become like pats. 

He eben bought them some toys to play with. 

As I am walking around just looking. It is time for me to get back to Billy's home. 

Not sure why Rocco is laying here. 

This is Billy doing some cooking for some of our friends are coming over for dinner. 

After we ate we played a card game. It was some fun. 

At the end of the evening Billy and Leah gave out some milk and other things (form Starbucks) to our friends of the ALC. 
I pretty much said my good byes and just so nice to sit around and get caught up on everyone else lives and seeing all God is doing here too. 
Well my last night here and I am looking forward keeping in touch with everyone. 

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