Friday, December 21, 2018

Yes it is Sunday

This is Irma. Well Billy and his wife came home and found her and a puppy (Smokey) plus Rosco. So they named here Irma because the hurricane just passed by at that time. 

Leah (Billy's wife) gave me a ride to the bus stop. So I got on and took a nice ride. Cost is $1.25.
 I even moved up front after a little while. 

This is like our Social Security building. NIV. 

This is the electric company It was called BEC. Bahamas Electric Company. Now it is Bahamas Power and Light. I wonder if they saw FPL Florida Power and Light???

We are riding down Baillou Hill Road. (Blue) 

This is the entrance to the Governor General House. I talked about this last week Blogs. About the history of the Bahamas. 

We are down town again. These are the ship in port for today. 

I got out here and started walking towards Calvary Bible. 

You can see this is really is not where the tourist go to. 

I wish I could say I killed him or her. The reason is this is a centipede. Thinking 6 in or more. 
I got stun by one while living here. It was a small one. But boy it hurt for a while. 

This is Princes Margaret Hospital. 

This is the telephone pole I hit the day before  I was leaving the island, with my truck.

Related image
He is always in the news paper here.
This is Pot Cake Man. I am sorry but I really don't know his real name. I should have asked while near him? 

This is Doctor's Hospital. 

Waling up this hill was a killer. This is Collins Ave. 

This is the TV and radio station here in the Bahamas. 

Now I have to walk down hill. 

This church Evangelizing Temple is always have something going on. Good size church. 

I made it here an it was worth every step. Great Praise and Worship. 

Pastor Elliott did a nice service on Luke 2 about how Joseph and Mary had to walk 70 mile to get to Bethlehem from Nazareth. Plus.
It was so nice to say my good byes to my family and friends. 
From here I was driven by Michelle to a car wash and then her home for a get together with other singles that afternoon. 
Talk about that tomorrow. 
It is Friday Dec 21st So I am so happy to be able to share what I have. Because I really have not been doing to much around here since I got back. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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