Monday, December 10, 2018

It mush be Sunday morning.

If you have been checking out my blog since I have been here. I use the sunrises to start my days off. They run into each other if you don't keep track. 

Billy and I on our way to Start buck's. Billy needs to go there and study God's Word for his sermon at church at 10 am. 
This is driving north towards down town, Nassau. 

This is Costright, like our Costco back in the states. 

Hard to see but, there is a sign there, saying Papa Sid's BRING YOUR BOWL. 

This building is the NIV? (I think) Like our Social Security. Which I have been collecting since I turned 62. 
Just a side note. The Minimum Pay is $210.00 a week, here.  Which works out to be $5.25 a hour. Unemployment is 15%. 
If you look back in my blog you can see the prices for food here are crazy. 

This is BEC Bahama Electric Company. Now called BPL Bahamas Power and Light. Not sure why the change? I know it was up for sale years ago? 

This is their cars and trucks. Pretty old looking. 

The price of gas I think was almost $5.00 a gallon. 

You can see they still pump your gas. Sometimes they wash your windows too. SOMETIMES. If you give them a tip. 

This the traffic inspection sticker. Every year  you need your car or truck and even buses checked over. They check lights all the way around. High beams too. Brake lights. Turn singles, horn and wipers. I think that is it? 

This is Thursday of this last week that passed. Tiger Woods is having a 2018 Hero World Challenge. a golf  tournament at Albany's 

Did you see the prices of cars and trucks here???? 

You are reading that correct. 5400 people with our power??? 

We had a cold front come through on Wednesday morning, I think. 

Every Thursday morning news paper this comes out with this. This day is the day the papers are sold out most Thursdays.  

I am leaving Star Buck's now and walking over to Calvary Bible. It is like six blocks away. 

This is the adult Bible study. Brian Merey (spelling) is the teacher. 

This is always a nice turn out here. After this is church service. at 11 am.
Hey this is just part of my day. I still have two more parts for Sunday alone. 
I am so happy and relaxing and just hanging out here, fun. 
Praise HIM. 

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