Monday, December 03, 2018

This is Billy's back yard. Beautiful and so peaceful.

Walking to watch the sun rise. What a beautiful view and the air is so fresh. I think that morning it was a little chilly too. (68)

This is where the kids get into the water here. Very well thought out. I know it cost a pretty penny to get a stream shovel (can't think of the name)  back here. 

I have been coming back here very morning since I have been here. Here is where I sit and read my Bible and just relax. 

This is the castle. The Slater's Castle. It is a fantastic home. There has been many folks from around the world stay here and do ministry here in the Bahamas. 

This is Smoky. He is still just a puppy. 

This is Rockco. Not sure what breed either one of them are. Here is the Bahamas they have what they call Potcake Dogs (the strays)  The reason they are called Potcakes. is in the old days, Bahamian women would cook rice on the stove or fire. The rice would burn and stick to the bottom of the pan. The woman would take the pan out to the street and bang it on the road or rock. The rice would be in cake form and the dogs would eat that. 

Here is a better shot of Smoky. He has short legs but very cute. 

Not sure if you can see them or not? But these two play all day long, running after each other. 

I have my own bedroom and it is wonderful. 

Take a look at my bathroom. It is beautiful and just nice and big too.
Hey folks I am so blessed to be able to come here to the Bahamas and stay st Billy's beautiful home and help others out with this and that. 
Today is Monday for me Dec 3rd. So I am a little less than a week behind on here. 
But I am in The Bahamas. How can that be wrong????

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...