Sunday, December 16, 2018

I am thinking this is Tuesday

Another beautiful sunrise. Wow how can you not say that? 
I got dropped off at ALC and made a list of filters we need to change the oil and filters on all the buses. 
So I asked the guys if they want to stop and get some Wendy's? Sure enough they did. 

If you look closely you can see the prices are pretty much the same as what we pay in the states. 
But the neat thing is this one has been remodeled and looks great. 

There are very few places in Bahamas that you can get refills. Here are one of them. Serve yourself too. Or the young lady will help you do that too. 

One of the employees stopped by to get a picture taken with us. 
Okay it s I then Aaron , Jessie and Logan. 
It was nice to just enjoy a fast food meal. You can see I really don;t need to eat this. 
Pictures make us all look fatter. Or I am getting fatter???? 

Now this is the large auto parts store AID. I forgot what it stands for. Auto Industries D not sure? 

I didn't take that many pictures of prices.. But this is what I buy in the states for $17.99.
So it is double. 

This place pretty much has your part most time. 

As we were walking back to the van. I noticed this speaker in the back of the car. You can see how hot it gets in a car here. 

Okay there are 2, 5 gal oil and a bunch of filters.

That is what out bill came to. For four school buses, plus they didn't have the (3) fuel filer for them. 

Here they don't have bill boards  but many signs, on the side of the roads. 

This sign is right next to a high school. CB Bethel. 

Getting back to Billy's home. These guys were working late each night. They said it would take five days to get this job done. Which I look back and that is how long it took. 
Folks I am back home (in Fort Pierce)  and getting ready to go to church now. I will try to consolidate this down and get some what caught up, this coming week. 
Make sure you get to church and praise Him for all He has done this last week and what is ahead this next week.
Folks Christmas is around the corner and I know some of us are not in the mood yet? 
Ask Him to help you with that. I know I need to. 

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