Wednesday, December 12, 2018

This is part #2 about Sunday the 2nd of Dec. I know I am far behind.

Okay last time we talked I was leaving Sunday school at Calvary Bible. Well now is the church service. The choir is ready to sing their hearts out to our Lord Jesus Christ. 

After singing a couple of hymns. The over seers deacons and pastors handed out the elements of Christ. You know the bread an wine (grape juice) 

While they were doing that. a gentleman came up and sang a beautiful song. 

This was our lesson for our service. 
After church I talked to a lot of my old friends and hung out for about a hour or so. 
Rudy (friend) gave me a ride down town. While riding along we had a nice talk an just got some what caught up. He dropped me off in front of the Hilton. 

I just started walking around here and there. No rhyme or reason. 

I stopped at Burger King an got some lunch. The prices are the same as in the states. But take a good look at something I don't believe you will ever in in the states.
Tuna and grits sandwich. I guess the picture it is hard to see. It is in the lower hand corner. 

Just walking around. Taking in the sites. 

I always thought this was funny to me. Thee are only a few Harley's on the island. But the tourist that have bikes always want to get a shirt or something form a Harley store. 

This is called Rawson Square. The government is ran out of these buildings here. 

This is looking down Bay Street heading East. 

Now remember this country was ran by England up to 1973. July 10th. So they are still using the same set up as it was back when England ran the show. 
Now there is still a Governor that reports back to the Queen in England. They are called Governor General. I am not sure who it is now? 
I just looked it up on Google. is Marguerite Pinding. her hubby was the first Prime Minister. of 
The Commonwealth Of The Bahamas. In 1973 when they got their independence. 

All these bleachers are set up for Boxing Day and New Years Eve Junkanoo Parade. It happens at night around 2am. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas.
I have been told back many years ago. When slaves and masters were around. On the day after Christmas the masters would have all these boxes left over form Christmas and the common folks would dress up and parade around.  
Hey go to Youtube and there you will see videos of the parade itself. 
It really is fun to be here and be part of it. 

This is the port where the large cruise ships come and dock for a while for the tourist to get off and look around and hopefully buy stuff to take back home. 

There are sings around showing the different things you can do while in port. 

There is always someone just sitting here docked. Sell star fish or conch shells. Just be careful. . Some time the items still have the body of the animal in inside it. It really smells pretty bad. I know because a while back I when up to one of these guys and bought a conch shell and start fish. I had to throw the star fish out. I tried using bleach to get rit of the smell. But didn't work. 

There really is some nice things to buy here. But  I really don't need anything myself. 

This is a big party house. Bar and food sold here.  

I waited around for a jitney to get a ride back to Billy's home. 

I got off at Ballou (Blue)  Hill Road.and Marshal Road. I started walking back to Billy's home.

This is a sign for Adventure Learning Centre right there on the corner.

Here is the entrance to ALC

This is the school right next toALC. It is Seven Day Adventist. 

Our Camp Adventure Learning Camp. 

This is right around the corner is Bahamas Teen Challenge. This place is a half way house for guys that have some troubles with different things. . 

This is a long lonely road I walked. It was kinda fun. But a long walk The old body was hurting afterwards. 
My time is winding down. Today really is Wednesday the 12 of Dec. 
So over all I have been relaxing and just doing things around here and there. 
I am asking for prayers for my good friends that came over here to get something straighten out. But it turns it to be a bigger problem than they thought. So please keep them in prayer. It is a rough road and sometimes we question WHY Lord????
But in the end we will see what He had planned out already. 
Praise HIM. 

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