Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I had yesterday off.

Driving down US 1, I saw this truck flying by. Now that is showing off our colors. Remember what yesterday was, Veterans Day? 

Well my roommate things this stuff doesn't work. Well I tried it any way. I think it works great. He was telling me after a week or so the stains will be back. Well I really hope he is wrong. The reason is most of the stains on my carpet are from me. I love to watch TV and eat and have some thing to drink while the show it on. 

Well yesterday I spent the day with Larry. I was only thinking a couple of hours. But it was lunch time. Thought why not try Chicken Delight? Got there and there was no room at all in the parking lot. Even next door. So we ended up going to Burger King. 

Now have you ever looked at the side of a cup at BK? Well I was waiting for Larry and noticed this. They have a line for how high to fill the ice up to. Then drink. man they really think we are pretty dumb? A how much ice should I put in my paper cup? Then can I fill the drink up all the way up to the top?Maybe not I need to read the side of the cup to make sure I did what I am suppose to?

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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