Wednesday, September 19, 2018

This is Sunday afternoon.

Gary and Kathy wanted me to see this huge monument in Yorktown. 

After seeing this, we took a little more of a ride to get some food. 

They told me what these were, but I have slept since. Caves for something. 

Had a wonderful meal and watched some football going on this sports bar. 

I had the fry clams and they really had a nice flavor and price was right too. 

Well needed to stop at the Walmart and get some items. Noticed all the water was gone. 

We stopped and filled up some water bottles at this church on the way home. 

Well my time here is winding down. The day Kathy and I will be out driving around and seing a couple more places. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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