Friday, December 08, 2017

Not sure, but I think this was Thursday evening, last week?

This is a restauant in Fort Pierce. It is called 12 A Buoy. 

I had a chance to hang out with Donna's friend this evening. This is Wayne, Sandy (his wife). 

We have another Sandy and Ray (his wife) and my friend Donna. What happen was on Wednesday evening, these two couples made a bet. To play a round of golf and the looser would have to pick up the tab. Well it was Wayne and Donna as partners and Sandy and her hubby Ray. Well as we sat around the table. I heard of how great Sandy and Ray played. Plus even Donna did well. But the kicker was a couple of side bets. Ray bet Wayne that he would hit the green. Which he did and it rolled off. But it hit the green. Then Sandy had a 30 foot put. Which she made it happen. So I guess Wayne and Donna it was their treat for the evening. 

The food was great and the atmosphere was beautiful. Smelling the ocean and just hanging out, it was a fun night. 
 But I sure enjoyed the company and just the chance to enjoy her friends. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

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