Sunday, December 31, 2017

I was told about this place about 6 months ago, it was Rosy and her hubby Al. Thank you guys.

I am not sure what UP stands for? But this warehouse is right down the road from my house. 

You walk in and it is set up like a small mom and pop market. They have health and beauty stuff, fruit, veggies and all kinds of can goods. Plus box stuff. 
I walked around and was surprise how cheap things were. 

This is not a place to do all your shopping at. But as I was standing in line, the cashier gave me a application. Which has on it saying if you make less than $1900.00 a month you are able to shop there. Now folks as I am on Social Security. I have no problem with this. 
They even give you a loaf of bread as long as you buy $5.00 or more. Oh they offer you a box of donuts or pastries too. But I passed on them. No reason to bring it home and then eat it all. 

Okay I only bought a few things. But at the end you can see it was worth the trip. 

The chicken is a couple of days old. But it is frozen. So I will be eating it today for dinner, (Sunday) 
Hey if you don't see any more blogs. Maybe it was not such a good deal????
I want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
May the Lord bless it an let us all go for a ride on His shoulders. 
We all need to thank Him to for what our lives represent. 
See you next year??? GOD WILLING. That is a expression the Bahamians say every time they say take care or see you later. God Willing. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...