Tuesday, June 05, 2018

The small jobs keep coming in.

This door cost over $300.00. REALLY. Crazy to think you an go to Home Depot or Lowes and get one for a third of the price. BUT it will not fit.

This is Georgette. As she has been visiting her mom in the park here. She noticed the back door was in pretty bad shape. The bottom of it was rotten out. So they went out and bought a new door. 

This is the old one. The new one was very tight and had to work it in. You know using longer screws and just started around the bottom and worked around to the top. It fit prefect. After wards just had to clean up some of the caulk that squirted out. I left with out taking a finished picture. But they were both very happy and I was so happy to get it in. At first, I was thinking, maybe not? 
But like I say every time, as long as I keep asking Him for help, He always shows up. 
Praise HIM. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...