Friday, October 23, 2020

I believe to two (2) rooms are all set.

This is our Dinning Room and I know it is not all done. Jeanne has many items she wants to put out too. But it looks great, to me. 

I think this Living Room is some what done. 

Over all I am very happy to see how things are coming together. 
There is much more to do, but it is looking clean and not so cruder.
Hey last night we did have a visitor in the driveway. The only reason is Jeanne's car was messed with. The center console was open and her brown wallet is missing. There was only a couple of dollars in there. Plus they went through the compartments in the doors. But now, as we live on a main street, we will need to be more cautious. Maybe put up some motion lights and cameras. 
Folks it really is a sad day, when you know someone has gone through your stuff and can't do anything about it. 
I do know for a FACT, Our Lord protected us. I noticed my truck was unlock and nothing was touched in there. 
Our Lives are HIS. 
But please make sure we do our best to try to protect your stuff. 
What could have happen could been worse. 


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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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