Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Okay moving day.

Well we got there with no problems at all. But Greg forgot the key for the lock on the box. So we tried the bolt cutters. NO WAY. It is a Master Lock. Okay i have a small hack saw, No not happening. So I asked Him and looked at it and said wow. Do these screws really come out???? 
So I got the screw driver out and it unscewed???? 

We got the stuff out and loaded the truck. 

Okay now a two hour ride. It really went good. 

I took some pictures on the way back to his home. This is the Holy Land in Orlando. Now in Oct of this year. Prayerfully Calvary Bible might be flying over here to spend a day there and enjoy a nice week-end. Single's Retreat. So maybe then I will be up this way to spend a couple of days together. 

This is at Greg's place. His neighbor, Sonny. He helped us out and it really went fast. 

This is Greg's place. Nice an he loves it here. Like you showed you yesterday the pool match.
Okay I am now in Aurbindale, Florida. this is where his sister lives Bonita. I will be here until this afternoon. Then driving back home. So I hope all of you out are doing well and He is right next to you as your day goes by. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...