Saturday, November 03, 2018

Alright it must be Monday morning.

Well this is Doris's back yard. I showed you pictures of this last week. Now what are we to do here? Roy and I cleaned off the deck to see what we have to deal with. 

We just pulled everything off to look at the deck itself. We were planning on using the pressure washer, plus the stuff we get from Home Depot. 

Roy and I decided this is not worth cleaning and replacing a couple of boards. It is all shot. The supports are even rotten out. So Doris and her son (John) came out an we showed them how bad it really is. Plus the tree needs to be cut down too. 
Well they both agreed that it needs to be all torn out. Plus cut the tree down too. Told them we would start on Tuesday morning. 
Well Roy and I had appointment to replace a sink this day too. So we went over there to get this one done. 

This is the old sink. She wants a deeper and single tub sink. 

It really was not as easy I as I was thinking. Just pull the old one and put in the new one. Well the clips that hold the old one in place, came out pretty easy. The reason was you could us a nut driver to get them out. Now the new sink we could not use the old clips. So we had to use the ones that came with it. What a pain. The heads on them were small slotted screws. It was hard to get my hands on each side of the sink to get them in. Well go some of them in. Roy even had to do a couple. I was not having any fun at all. I needed to drive over to the hardware store and get a different kind of tail piece for the drain. Which I did and it all came together. So at the end maybe we will not be replacing sinks??? 

Okay the sink it in and looking pretty good. Now what?  The faucet ran for a second and stopped flowing. Took the head off and found small pieces of plastic in it. 
All is well now. 
Praise Him, the reason is say that is I walked away an thank Him for this all coming together. I was not a happy camper with this one. But now I am. 

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