Friday, November 09, 2018

Our first day building this deck.

Just started out with a header across the house. used tap cons and 3" wood screws. Then worked our way out towards the lake. Using these cement blocks, they were a blessing. It really holds in place and this way there is a nice strong bass to build on. 

Got our first deck board on and looking like we know what we are doing???? 

Okay starting to get a little tied and noticed the frame is bouncing. That means we need to put a support in the middle. 
I know Roy and I will be up half the night thinking how to do this? 
I am so happy to see how much we got done in one day. 
There is such a nice breeze off the lake. So it is hot but the breeze is saving us. 
So happy we took on this job. It is by God's grace this is happening and it will be done right. 

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