Saturday, November 10, 2018

Day two on this deck for Miss Doris.

As we walked on it, there was a bonce. So Roy and I went back to Home Depot and got a couple more blocks to put under the middle. Plus a 2" x 6" under there and lifted it up a little with 1' x 6" on each joist. 

The weather was hot and sticky. There was no breeze off the lake today. So we put down a couple of boards and took a break. 

Okay the decking if down and looking and feeling great. Started the steps. 

Put these solar lights on the corners and light this deck up at night time. Need one more, Home Depot Vero was out of them. This week -end I will drive down to Fort Pierce and get one more. 

Now the hand railing for the steps. going along pretty good so far. 

 Now it the time to put up the hand railing all the way around the deck. It really is shaping up. 

At the end of the day we can say we are almost done. Just have to pick things up. Then on Friday we will come back and take the rest of the lumber and scarps to the land fill. 
Hey she was kicked pink on how nice it looks and that is all that matters. 
All can do is say Thank you LORD for this and all that went into it. It was His wisdom we got this done and looking so nice too. 
Like I said come back and pick everything up and take it to the land fill. 
Oh one more thing we need to mount a electric box  to the pole next to the doorway. 
That will happen on Friday. 
What a great time and looking good. 

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