Monday, November 05, 2018

Wednesday and Thursday we kicked butt.

I ran the saw down in between every 5 feet.on the lumber. The rest was just pulling it off the supports and piling it up. I think we made three trips to the land fill this day. 

This was our last trip of the day. It was close to 4 pm leaving here. So the land fill closes at 5 pm. We made it with 10 minutes to spare. I think with all our loads there, it came to less than $30.00. Over all I think we are doing really well and looking forward in cleaning this all up on Friday.. 
There is one more load to take to the dump. 
Then we will stop at Home Depot. There we will see about having our lumber delivered to her house on Monday. The reason for the delivering is 12 foot boards. I really don't want to carry that much weight in the back of my truck. She has been doing well, but I don't want to over load her. 
She has 242301 mile on here and I need her keep running. 
Over all I am very happy about how nice this back yard is looking after getting rite of all the old stuff and tree. You now can see the lake behind her house. I will show you pictures tomorrow. 

I hope and pray you all had a chance to go to church and praise HIM on Sunday? 
I know I went and Pastor Craig did a message on Ephesians 6:10 to 18
It is all about the Whole Armor Of GOD. 
Hey we all have battles each day and they are not of the world. 
Please read these verses. You can see we are not fighting each other, 
12) For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood. BUT against the EVIL rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. 
I am not trying to scare you, but let you know what is really happening in this time here on earth. 
Please Praise our Lord Jesus Christ today. 

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