Monday, November 12, 2018

This is really Friday morning, sorry getting old!!!!

Not sure how I get my days mixed up. But I now this is Friday TENNIS. 
After here loaded the truck up with tools and Roy and I went over to Bill's house to rip down his a lattice fence we repaired a while back. 

Now the old fence is in the back of the truck an we will go over to Doris's house now and pick up the lumber that we cut and take all this to the dump, Landfill. Then stopped off at Home Depot and got the supplies we need for Bills' carport fence. Plus a electric box for Doris's out side outlet. 

That is now repaired and now we can finish up Bill's

Hey Bill and his wife were very happy to see this up and looking good too. We even saved him some more money. I thought the supplies would be around $250.00. But they only came to $150. So everyone is happy. 

On Friday night I just took a ride out west to watch the sunset. It really has been a wonderful week and everyone is happy too. I just enjoy doing some work and making some money here and there. But the folks that want the work done are the ones that really make my day. When they say they are very pleased with what we did. 
It all comes down to Praise the Lord. 

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