Thursday, July 07, 2016

I had a dentist appointment yesterday.

So I had to drive south. I had a chance to help out a friend while down there. But I said, maybe my last time to get Costco stuff. So I went shopping too. So I bought some mouth wash and a couple of other things. But this is the funny part. 
The reason for going to the dentist was, I had some work done last month and the two areas she worked on are very sensitive, to hot and cold. So as she was checking it out. She told me that maybe a tooth paste, (which is a prescription) . Plus this mouth wash. It should help out the sensitivity. 
Okay now you can see I have already spent $7.59 on three (3) bottles. Plus I bought tooth paste last month 6 pack for $8.99 at Costco. 

Now I stopped at Walgreens and got these two items. The tooth paste was $24.99 with out insurance, it still cost me $16.26. The Act, see I bought the big one, getting 25% MORE. This cost $8.79. 
Okay I guess I will have to see if this helps out. 
It is funny how things will work out. Praise Him. 

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