Friday, May 24, 2013

Like I told you yesterday, I wish I had my camera this week.

Tuesday night here in the Bahamas, we got almost 15" of rain, in some areas. It was the worst I have ever seen while being here in these last 8 years. Just a note, On Tuesday night I was down town around 8pm. The main road, Bay Street, was flooded. You know not just puddles. It was water going into the store fronts door ways. Then driving the side roads. There were cars in the middle of the road, stalled out. You know, get water in the engine stalled out. There was this one guy driving a white van. I saw the name on the side, but I will not say who. He was driving so fast, that he was pushing water with the  front of the bumber. It really was not a good night to be out driving. I got up on Wednesday morning and saw our place was flooded too, you know the land itself. By looking at the pictures above, you can see where the water line was up to. Oh the picture of the red hood, that was taken last night driving to the store to get some tings. So just by looking at that you really can see how bad some areas really got hit. Like I was telling you above, 15" in some areas. I was talking with Tim Seeley yesterday and he checked out a bucket that had water sitting in it. He messaged it and found 8" in that. So that is a lot  of rain for one night. So looking at the the newspaper, just gives you one idea how bad it really was. Oh Pastor Basil stopped by on Wednesday and told us how his house was flooded too. He needed a shop vac to use to soak up the water in his carpet. I told him if there is a padding, he would have to pick the carpet up and replace that too. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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