Sunday, September 22, 2013

It did start out slow, but after some rain and sun shine. They did come.

These two guys in the first picture really are some good fellows. This is Tim and Billy, I always have a laugh with these guys. Over all it really was slow at first. At the end we had around 580 people come through yesterday. 
The next picture is Mrs. and Mr. Grebe. that is right these two are Randy's parents. What a joy is was to spend some time with them. If you know anything about me, I use to work in retail. That is what Mr. Grebe does back in Wisconsin. He has been doing retail for many years. He now some what retired. Really a nice guy. He reminds me of my dad. Out going and love to share. 
Well around 4 pm the people where just starting to come in. At the end of the day Mark was saying, by the count, 580+ has been through our gates yesterday. All the years I have been part of Fun Days, this has been the slowest. We are not sure why? The reason was Eric has signs all around this island plus there was a couple of adds in the paper. Now we did use hand out this time. Plus it was not a holiday. I really think it was the rain. I went out to buy ice earlier and it was raining hard up north. It did rain at the centre a couple of times. But not that bad. Oh well we did our best and that is all we can do, the rest is in His hands. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...