Thursday, September 26, 2013


I got this from Shepard's Staff. This is the ministry that funds are sent to so I can do what I do. Being a missionary is something I believe He has called to do His work. Everyday I see His hand around each and every project I do. I know some people look at what I do here as. man he has it made! Over all I do, by His grace and love. I have been here now over 8 years and the funds I get each month don't always cover all I need. I just would like the world to know I am here because He has called me here. I will stay as long as He wants me to. Folks I have look on to see how other missionaries live and I am very blessed to live where I do. I have never been with out a meal or never had to look for a place to stay. He has always provide. But has I look at this video below, I think  of the ones that do have to look and seek for food and a place to stay. I thank Him each and every day for what I have and do here. I am blessed to be called a missionary. I really hope and pray you look at this video and think of all that is going on all over the world. The ones that really do have it rough an need your support in PRAYER and FUNDS. Thank you for reading this and hope God is tugging on your heart to help. OR maybe you need to do what He has called. EVERYONE IS A MISSIONARY. Show love to others and share His WORD.

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...