Sunday, September 29, 2013

Singles last night.

Not sure why the pictures are blurry? You can see the last shot is not. Oh well, we started out our new year for Singles at Calvary Bible. It was a small gathering but that okay. Veda as been dealing with a some health things lately. So the month came and went by very fast. We usually meet on the third Saturday of the month. That went by and well she e mailed everyone and people have made other plans. This meeting was more about what are we going to do this year? In Oct we will meet like normal at Calvary. But in November we will have a nice Thanksgiving at Veda's mom home. Then in December we will all be going over to Locklyn's home again. That was where we did our Christmas dinner last year. It really was a nice quit time. Sitting around and singing Christmas songs and eating some great food too. 
As driving home, you can see I was following someone. It is so funny to see how people just stack tings on the back of a truck and drive down the road. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...