Sunday, September 29, 2013

Just a day to clean everything.

I have not washed my truck in many months. The reason is I keep saying one of these days I will finish fixing it up and repaint it. I just don't the drive right now. May be in the winter time. You know cooler out side and easier to work out there. 
Okay I replace the seat covers on my truck too. You can see how a simple t shirt can protect your seats. You know me, I get into all kinds of junk on my clothes. You can see how much dirt was on the last one. Thanks to my buddy at Paint Place, Harri, he gave me a couple of there shirts. I am not sure if this was the reason? But now every one that walks by my truck or when they see the front seat, Paint Place is the place for paint.
After cleaning up the truck, I said. I need to keep going. I cleaned up my place too. This way I don't have to do it before I go to church. That is when I usually do it. Plus I have people ask about where I live. So now here are a couple of pictures. I know it is not much, but it is my place and I really do enjoy it. It is small enough to keep clean and that is all I need. Plus you can see my kitchen too. (the porch).
Now after all that I took Scooby to the beach. Goodman's. He rode in the back. It was pretty rough out there yesterday. Scooby was not in the mood to go into the water. I understand, even for me it was to rough. But driving around you can see how the Baha Mar is coming along too. It is going to be a really nice place. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Thanks Buddddeeee for the advertising The Paint Place!!!! That is soooo kooooollll man!!! Quite unique!!!


Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...