Monday, September 09, 2013

This is Pastor Lee and Sister Nancy party.

I have been part of Calvary Bible now more than 7 years+. During this time here, Pastor Lee has been my Senor Pastor. He has been that dad that shows you God Word with love. I have taken many classes that he has taught. Most times walking away asking for more. Pastor Lee can teach four levels. The first one is for new believes, the next Christian that was asking questions. The next is for the ones that use more than their Bible to learn. Then the last one is the ones that want to become Pastors. The sad part that is the one I have tried and walked away with more questions. The is my fault, I needed to go deeper myself into studies. 
Over all Pastor Lee has been through many trails and even some heath items. But by God's Grace he will be teaching more to the people that want more. I really hope and pray that his time now is for his family and friends. You know not looking at a schedule and saying I have to be here or there at this time! No this is his time. I remember one day while in his class, I saw his schedule. I said to myself, I could never be able to keep up with that one. That is Pastor Lee heart to help and teach where ever he was needed. We have been blessed to call him our Pastor and look forward in seeing what He has for Pastor Lee next.

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...