Saturday, September 06, 2014

Changing out the radiator didn't help any.

Well I bought a new radiator this last week. So here goes, Bill and I did the work on it. The reason is, why  Bill? Where I live and pretty much every where you go. You are not aloud to work on your vehicles. So Bill offered a while back, if I need to do any work on my truck, bring it on over. Which I did yesterday morning. It only took about 10 minutes to get. Then afterward it was out, I was feeling the weight see if it weight more than the new one? Not really. Should I put the old one back in or Not? Thinking why not put the new one in? Bill and I talked about this for a couple of minutes. He was saying, back in the old days, this radiator would have cost around $400.00. This is only $116.00?  Just put it in and see what happens, It is ONLY money. So we did and started it up and ran it for a little while. The temp went up to 2/3's So I guess this was not the answer? 
Bill, Bob and I sat down inside and talked about it. What else could it be? Bill is saying water pump? Bob was saying heater core? So I went back out and stated it back up with the heater on. Ran good, got hot. So I guess that wasn't? Next is the water pump? 

About a month ago, I saw this add

Thinking wow a lighter bike to ride. I went on line and looked at Trek 1000. Found out they cost around $300.00 and up. So why not take a look at this one? I called the guy and asked about the bicycle? He said he still had it. I saw it and said why not? Now when I get the bike it was in rough shape. I bought it for $80.00.Then took it to this bike shop around the corner, Atlantic Bicycles. He looked it over and adjusted the shifter,brakes. Then replaced both tire, with Anti Puncture Belt tyres. I was telling him how much I paid, he told me that this is a bike back in the 80's. So I guess I spent to much? No, he said. Did good. 

Maybe now I will not get flats???? The picture you are looking at is in our dinning hall area. There are mirrors every where. The wall I have my bike leaning on is mirrored. So at the end of the day, bike cost $80.00, the bike shop cost was $77.63. Then going to Walmart for tape for the handle bars, plus a allen set to carry with. Oh I changed the handle bars around. Most racing bikes the handle bars are down. I turned them to be up. Easier to ride for me. Plus had to take the hand brakes off and make that happen. So the rear brake is still on the right hand side. 

Okay why a can full of dirt? Well I vacuumed the apartment last night and found all this in the can. Hey I have lived here, now go on three months. Every week I vacuum this place. Just not sure where all this comes from? We don't have any animals? The carpet still looks good. I guess it is good that I vacuum. 
Oh Larry, flew in last night. I went and got him. He was telling me about how much fun he had and is so glad he went. The place was San Diego, Ca. He was there for 10 days. He stayed at a old friends home and just enjoyed himself. He told me that he spent over $1000.00 on this trip, but it was worth every penny. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...