Sunday, September 21, 2014

Well what happen Saturday?

If you read my blog yesterday, I was telling you all about the movie the Maze Runner. Well see for yourself, what the paper has to say about the movie. 
Oh plus I just love the Vex area too. This is where Bahamians have a chance to voice their own words about what they think of , pretty much any thing that is going on. 

I was driving down East Street and saw this sign being built, wow I hope the sign is in better shape than the wood frame to build it? 

This is heading towards the ocean, Fox Hill area. Going to pick Kevin at the dock. Remember I told you yesterday, he was going to Rose Island, The Wave , our youth at Calvary Bible does this every year. It is a time to have some fun and try to get the kids back into coming out to join the youth again for the school year.

This Mr. Linsey Pinder, He has been part of the youth for many years. His son use to be the Youth Pastor. I just love this guy and how he loves the kids. They will do other things this school year with them, like pool parties at their home. There are other event they take place, they are part of. Oh the sleep over at ALC Camp, they do the cooking for them. 

This is only part of the students that went. I think some one said about 40 kids were there.

Okay we had a chance, after I picked up Kevin to send a evening with some old friends again, This is Billy Slaters family and Tim Ryan's family and home. We had a wonderful time, had pizza and dessert, plus watched a little collage football. Then the main evening was to watch a movie. It was Beethoven. I have seen this movie two or three times, every time it still a great movie. Left there and went home and slept so good, Just sleeping with air. Just run it two hours, but last night turned it back on for another hour around 2:30am. I am very blessed to have wonderful friends and hanging out. This a lone is worth my trip here. I know helping at the ALC is a blessing too, but in the end family is so much more. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...