Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My time is flying by, it is Monday already

These are three of our young ladies that are helping here at the ALC. I will not try to tell you their names, I always into trouble when I do tings like that. 

I do know this guy's name, he is Patrick. He has come over here to helps us with maintenance and pretty much every thing we have. It really is neat to see our Lord, how he works things out. Patrick was here on a mission's trip in April of this year. As he was helping build the porch on the second cottage we have at the ALC Camp. During his time here, he was working along side 8 other guys. They are all from the New York State area. I think just below Albury (Capitol)  
So as Patrick and his wife have been praying about what is next in their lives? They saw in a news letter or a blog, That I was retiring. So as it is Patrick just got laid off at the job he was working at. Him and his wife just keep seeking God for the answers. So they put their lives on hold. Now Patrick will be here for the next two months. Then during the new year his wife will be moving over here then. So as my time here is working out so well, God knew he was coming and this way, I might be able help Patrick with some tings here at the ALC. You know show him around and just let him feel welcome. 

That right, you are seeing my son Kevin painting. He needed to prime the new lumber and then he painted it with the gloss white. My prayer is that this gazebo looks as good as it did the day Randy Grebe put it up, (1996 or around then)
Today Tim Ryan will be coming over to put the singles on. Not sure what else will happen today? Sean and his guys dug up a broken pipe yesterday. That is a 2" needs repair? Then I look at the bridge, I really think for now to, run a board under the walk way, support the old lumber. Replace the broken board. That way the kids can use it until Patrick and Bob rebuild it all. Then for the last couple of weeks, there has been a air conditioner not working. The guys came out from Paul.s Air. Replace the fan and motor, need to put the cover and boards back up there too. So there is plenty of work to do today. Main ting is the roof.  
If Kevin and I work on the pipe and bridge? Then Patrick and Tim on the roof? We will see what happens. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...