Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My second day of projects.

This is Mark, my boss, and Scott. We were walking around the petting farm trying to figure out what we should do next. As you have seen my blog for these many years, I have talked about how we will one day change this whole area. It has been like this for 20 years or so. So Scott is writing up a idea and a price on how much it will cost ALC to rebuild this area. We are not looking at tearing everything out and starting all over? No, just rebuild this and that. All the cages will have running water, plus a pool in some. The reason is every time Sean feeds the animals he has to use a hose or buckles of water. 

These are just two of the cages that he will redo. I had needed to get back and help Tim on the roof. 
Sorry no pictures of us working on this roof of the gazebo. Today I will have a couple. 

That right we have to eat too. This is Tim, me and Billy. It really is a joy to spend time with these two guys. I just love to laugh and hang out. 

Look I see rabbits ruining freeeeeeeee. Hey Mark was telling me that we have so many of these guys, just try to caught them, but if not, let them run, no really problem. 

Here is the roof that we are working on. Now before I came Tim and Bob have been getting it done. Most of it was Tim's project, but I know Bob had his hands into some of it. Really looking good. Prayerfully today we should get the lumber all done? Tim told me that he would be over again today to work on this. 

Hey our Train is still up and running. That is such good news. We really need another train. 

Here our little friends again just hanging out. They sure are cute. 
I have to put in a pro claimer, about yesterday's blog. I goofed on the score on the collage game we watched at Tim and Felicia home on Saturday. I told you all that Maryland WON. WRONG, They lost. I think the final score was 39 to 37? It was Virginia Tech 39 and Maryland 37.  I could be wrong? But I need to tell my sports fans out there, Maryland LOST. Sorry about that. I really thought they won. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...