Tuesday, September 02, 2014

I am not sure why?

I have been having some trouble with my rear tire loosing up on my. I tried to put the gear shifter one way then the other way. But the screw has been off. So if I look back at older bikes I see bolt goes through the shifter. But like I said the screw has not been taking off. 

I tired to put the bolt into the shifter, but it loose up the wheel. 

Okay riding along and guess what flat happens. It is up and repaired for now. I found a small piece of wire in my tire. That was my Labor Day! whippy. 

What a sun set? It sure beautiful to look up and say Thank you Jesus for another day. What do you have for me today? Maybe another bike ride? I have another spare tube. Plus I put the old tube inside of the tire to protect it from small pieces of wire or what ever comes to try to give me a flat. 

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