Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Okay we have a full crew today.

Tim and Patrick started putting the felt paper on the top roof. They seemed to work well together. 

Mean while Kevin and I repaired a 2" water pipe. It was so nice to walk over and just do the repair. Sean and the guys dug the pipe up and got it ready for us. 

Now you can see these guys putting the singles on and looking good. 

In the duck pond, there were two holes in the rubber. Not sure why, but Kevin and I sanded the rubber down and put the glue and patches on. It should hold for another year or two. 

That is right, LUNCH TIME. Hey I called Billy and asked if he would like to join us. Love to, he saids. Today is Wendy's. I really wanted to try the New Burger King down the road, but the vote was for Wendy's. I was also told there is a only a couple of tables there to sit at. Most the people come and go, Take Away place.

The top is done. Now starting the bottom roof. As Kevin and I got our couple of jobs done. I helped out on the roof. Kevin used the pressure washer on the walk way going to the Media Centre. It had mildew and just looking rough, bird droppings. 

As we were leaving to go back home, Kevin thought of Mindy. he told me that she loves getting flowers. So as Kevin STOLD them, I have a picture to prove where he got them. I love this kid and just enjoy having fun with him. He makes me laugh and if you know me I love to laugh. 
Today is finishing up roof and maybe work on the bridge next? 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...