Friday, September 19, 2014

What a beautiful sky line? Thank you Lord for such a display.

Okay this is our main job today. We need to get some plumping in the ground, before they pour the floor. Tim is looking at around the 12 of Oct to do that. 

This is Tim and Felicia Ryan. They both have been here in the Bahamas now for over 4 years Their main reason to be missionaries is to help out here at the All Saints Camp. Now ever since they have been here, They are trying to get better living quarters for the people that live here. 
So a organization called Next Step has made a comment to build new homes for the residence there. It has been such a beautiful mission to see these new home built and the old one torn down. 
The building that we were are working on, is going to be the Dinning Hall. This place will be used to for the Hurricane shelter during the time needed.  
This plumbing is for the bathroom. 
Hey I think it is so neat to see a husband and wife do work projects together. 

Hey when was the last time you ever looked up and said Thank you Lord for your beauty? 

Now we need to get more fill in the floor area. This way when the crew comes in, all they have to do is call a cement truck in and start pouring. This building has been the biggest project that Nick Step has done, since here. It sure will be a beautiful place. 
We are using a laser beam to see the lower and high spots. This way put more fill in or just move it. 

Hey folks we have a New Burger King in town. This is on Carmicheal Road. Man Bahamians sure love fast food places. 

This is one thing I don't miss, rain then flooding. 

Okay yes we are eating again? I know people that look at my blog and say, how come every picture is about eating? This is my old friends and Slaters. If you look back a couple of days ago, that right Tim Billy and I are eating out at Carl's. So today we all got together and had a wonderful evening eating and just hanging out. 

Okay the Slater's have two of these tickets. They are from Walt Disney park in Orlando. They were asking me if they are still good? I believe they are good. There is no date to show how long you can use them. Hey I have one ticket, back in my stuff. I got it in 1984. It still has two days left on it. I remember back then asking how long are these tickets good for? If I remember right? They told me forever. Oh one more ting, some one told me to sell them on EBay . Might get a lot more money for them that way. 

This is a New restaurant that is open,just pass The Caves, I think? It is called Sapodilla. I had a chance yesterday to spend a little time with the owners daughter. She was telling us all about her life and all that she has been doing to help the community, here in the Bahamas. I really enjoy hearing more about  all that has been going on here since I left in June. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...