Wednesday, September 03, 2014

That. right I get to travel again

Okay I know you are saying What? Well when I was back in Nassau a couple of months ago, I received a couple of donations. I believe they were for me to come on back. Now the reason is, during 12th to the 24th of Sept. Bob and Judy will be flying back home for a little vacation time, with their family. So while they are gone, this will work out great for me and ALC. I have been biting at the bit to go do something. So while there I believe I will have plenty to do. I know for the last couple of weeks Bob and Tim have been working on taking the roof off of the gazebo. So maybe that will be one of the projects to replace it? 

I am sorry but I don't have a clear shot of the gazebo. But if you look behind the Ford, you might see the roof line. That is the what has been removed and being rebuilt. I have even gone back in my jump drives to find a good picture of it. Just not finding it. 
Okay this is what I believe is the plan. I will drive up to Greg's place in Orlando, Fl. on the 10th of Sept. Then help him pack and move his stuff to his sister's home in Auburndale, Fl. Thinking we should be done on the 12th. At this time I will drive back to Fort Lauderdale, Fl. and hop on a plane the 13th. Being over there for 13 days and back home here n the 25th. 
Now like I said, I have tried to make this happen, so let us see what He has planned out for me during this time?
Folks I have gotten ahead of Him before and my prayer is I am right in His hands and His will too.
Plus this morning I was reading Act 12:1 -25. I want to be Peter, willing to do what ever. Listening to his Lord calling. Be willing to walk out with Him.  

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...