Monday, April 28, 2014

Calvary Bible has three new co pastors.

That would be Ron Springle, Erold Fraruharson and Paul Worrel. I know the pictures are not the greatest, but ad least I took some. It was really nice to watch and see how Calvary commissioning and installation of new pastors. After Pastor Alan Lee prayed for them. That was  it. Then Pastor Shawn Brennan did the teaching. It was on God is ENOUGH 1Timothy 6:6 to 12. Are you content? Well during our Sunday School class today and this, really spoke loud to me. First Brian was asking us, are we doing what God wants us to? Saying that and then the next question Shawn was, are you content? Looking at my life lately, I fell like if I don't have some thing to do during the day. I get bored. Is that contentment? I don't think so. It is just being lazy and no drive. Shawn talked about, is money your goal? Since now I am getting more, I still believe I am very content about that. Am I doing God's work? I believe I am. But why do I have to be doing something every minute of my life? Just use yesterday, I left church and drove over to Paradise Island. Looking for a parking space. If I could find one I was going to the movies over there. But I didn't find one so I just drove back home and laid around all day long, watching You Tube and falling a sleep on and off. Where is my drive any more? The last statement Shawn talked about was True contentment is not laziness, it is call to action. 1 Timothy 6:11-12, fight the good fight for what we believe. Hold tightly to the eternal life that God has given you, which you have confessed so well before nay witnesses. 
Folks, I really hope and pray you are content in all you do. 

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