Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Last night we all had a chance to spend some time eating.

That right, I am eating again. I had a friend of mine tell me every time he looks at the blog he sees me eating? That funny for me, because I can sit down and just take some pictures during that time and relax a little. Okay this is the group I shared with you a couple of days ago. Delhi Alliance Church. Man they have been keeping me hopping. The reason I say that is, they keep working themselves out of jobs to do. But we are so blessed to have them and their willing hearts to do what ever is needed. At the end of the meal they pretty much gave each of us a gift certificate from our favor store. Super Valve, that is one of the main food stores here. We can always use food money. Thank you very much and let us see what happens today? 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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