Sunday, April 06, 2014

What a great evening, spent at Global Village again

That right I went to Global again last night. Our buddy Francis Chan spoke again. It is so funny how our Holy Spirit works. Francis was telling us how he had a message for us and then while Pastor Moss was telling us about Francis back ground, he used 2 Corinthians 4:8. So when Francis came out to speak, he was asking us questions on, What is our happy ever lasting? In Corinthians Paul is talking about how he is pressed on every side but not crushed. Are we looking for the ever lasting here on earth or are we storing up our treasures in heaven? He was telling us about his book Crazy Love, how all the money that he gets from this book goes to charity. He said this charity has received over 5 million dollars so far. If he held on to that money, how would he be living today? He said that he is looking forward in seeing all the promises our Lord Jesus Christ has promised and that is where his Ever Lasting will be. Heaven.

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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