Saturday, April 05, 2014

I got a FREE ticket to see this guy named Francis Chan

It is hard to believe that there is something here free to do? But it is true. Tim Ryan got me a ticket and it really was worth the trip to drive to the north side of the island. I have not hear about Francis but have heard the book he wrote, Crazy Love. Well got there at Global Village Church and the place was packed. Tim and Felicia saved me a seat near the front. The sad part was I thought he was going to talk about his book and why he wrote it. But he came out and used his Bible and did a small teaching. Which I really did enjoy. It was about how HOLY IS OUR GOD. He came in thinking what can I share with these people here? It was good on how WE most times look at God as our daddy. Not about the holiness HE IS. How can a sinner like myself EVEN think about coming to Him like that? 
The two areas of scripture, Malachi 1:6 to 14, which is about how His people came to Him with animals that had defects. He tells them that He will not accept their offering. You need to close the doors on the Temple.
Then go to Isaiah 6:1 to 8, here talks about how Isaiah saw God sitting on HIS Throne and the train of His robe filled the Temple. WOW. How could I think of Him as our daddy? 
So I walked away understanding more about His holiness. 
After there I went over to Calvary Bible to pick up Kevin from youth group. They were playing a game like Dodge Ball. Got back to our place had some good talks on the way home and even during the night. Then guess what ? The power went out and it was time to sleep.

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