Thursday, April 03, 2014

It is so nice to have some helping hands.

During the day, Tim came over to change his oil in his two vehicles. Mean while here Billy stopped by to drop off roof shingles. We hope to use these on the peacock area. While here Bob from the Camp stopped by to to get some tools. Folks I am very blessed to have friends like these guys. I have been working on a water system for the Easter Monday Fun Day. Last year it worked great, but Teca wants more water flowing out. So I added two more rolls of pvc pipe. It seams to work very well. While Billy and Tim were here I asked them to help put them up. I guess they are the ones that did all the work putting them up. I sat in the Gehl machine. This way I could lift them up and move them where ever was needed. After all that. The day was pretty much done. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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