Saturday, August 02, 2014

That right, it is Kevin.

I got these pictures from him a while back. I did really see them until I got back here in the states. I was looking over a OLD email he sent me a month or so. While reading it I look at the bottom and saw, them. I just love surprises. So he is helping at the camp. He didn't tell me much about the pictures. 

But he did say he meet a basket ball player. So guess this is he plus his wife. Boy I was thinking Kevin was a lot taller than me now. What happen? He looks like a short guy here.

This picture came with no reason. I know how much he loves ice cream. I guess he is showing me, they provide that too.
I have not heard back since this e mail. I wrote him and asked abut the date he will be going back, still have not heard back. So I guess he really is having a good time. My prayer is he is safe and he is growing in Christ. 
Back in the Bahamas. Camp Bahamas is ending today and the leaders will be taking a boat back home today and tomorrow. I know when Kevin went a couple of years ago. He really enjoyed that time there. I look forward in hearing about this trip one day. 
Say a prayer for him for wisdom and hearing His voice. What is next on his plate? 

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Okay we made to Orlando and all checked in and ready to enjoy our time.

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