Monday, February 03, 2014

Guess where we were last night?

That right Kevin and I spent a little time at the Ryan's home. You know what was going on? Well let me tell you, The Super Bowl #48, silly.Hey Tim asked me what the Roman numbers will be next year? Well I really was not sure, I know IX means 9. But Tim explan it would be IL next year. Being L is 50. Even learned a little too. We sat around and watched the game and just got some what caught up on what has been happen. You Kevin was sharing about his trip and all that happen there. That is what they are looking at above here. Kevin took around 300 pictures and love s to share. Like I have said before, he has a taste now of what the states are like and prayerfully he will keep looking for a job and save his money. He tells me he has been out looking so far nothing has happen. Our Lord has him in His hands and I know it will happen, maybe not as fast as we would like. But we trust Him and He has never failed us. 
About the game, well we left at the 3rd quarter. The score was 36 Sea Hawks and 0 Denver. I wll look right after I get off here and see what happen next. 
Folks I use to love to watch football with my dad and after he passed, it really doesn't make that much difference who wins or looses. It is fun to watch and that is pretty much it, it is a game. 

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