Monday, February 24, 2014

Well Sunday morning I was not doing well at all.

On Saturday after noon I made this big grilled cheese sandwich. Boy was that a good one or what? I know I have some troubles some times with cheese or dairy things. Well that night I was in some pain, cramps. Boy they kept building up more pain. I went to the bathroom okay. But still had the pain in my stomach.It was like a big knot. I thought I was getting better. So I was hungry, ate some Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.. Thinking the fiber will help my tummy. But it made it feel worst. Boy was I bending down a lot. Trying to feel better. I laid down and that helped. But still pain was there. I gave up and asked Bob ad Judy to drive me to the Walk In Clinic on Carmichael. Which he did. I got there and sat for a minute or so. Thinking I need some relief. I know the pills I had before helped me out. These were called Nexium. I got these back in 2007. You can see how old they really are. I have had this problem on and off a couple of times. So I knew that these were from the doctor. I walked over to the Pharmacy. I asked if they had anything like this over the corner. He sold me Omerazole 20. It cost $18.00. I said great. I took one right then. I walked back over to the clinic, sat down. Mean while I just was hurting big time. I told the people that were there, I was going to lay on the floor for a couple of minutes. They said okay. About 5 minutes went by. I looked up and saw a wheel chair in front of me. They asked me to get in it. I said okay. They wheeled me into the office. I sat down and they took my blood pressure and even pin my finger. The one girl said that my blood count was at 220. I told her I was okay, I just finish eating that cereal. They had me lay down on a bed there. I was starting to feel better every minute after that. The nurse came in and ask me for $150.00 deposit. I told her I was feeling better. She told me it was not going to cost me anything if I left then. Which I did and called Bob and he came and picked me up. I got home and took another pill and slept a hour or so. Doing well now. 

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