Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yes we are working in the bush.

Well remember how I was talking about Bob and I being bush guys. Well here we are again. This time we are laying new electric PVC 3/4" pipe. This is for our lines for the door bell. A long time ago, we had a door bell set up. You  push a button and talk with some one on the other side, then they would push a button on the phone and let them in. I guess it is really called a call box. This way we can keep our gates closed and when someone wants to come in. Like I said this was working for the longest time. But one day it stopped. So now we need to run new wires from the call box to the barn, then to the pump house and from there to the media centre. So the last couple of days the guys in the last picture have been pulling the wires through. Mean while the pipe that goes form the call box to the barn had a break in it. So have o run all new pipe and while doing that pulled the wire through at the same time. Bob and I started out doing it at first, then Tim came in and help too. With the three of us we got done before lunch. Now there is still a couple more pieces needed to add. Then the guys will come back out and hook it all up. While we were putting down the pipe, the BGC guys were redoing our out side box. This has been a rat nest now for many years. So while here they wired that. The sad part is at the end they could not get the gates to work at all. So now I need to call in the gate guy. Boy if it is not one thing? 

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