Sunday, February 16, 2014

Okay it is time to go to the have some fun.

Yesterday I had a chance to drop off one group to Fort Charlotte. There they had a chance to do their devotion time and just hang out a little while. From there they walked to down town. During this time they were to share the Gospel with as many people they in countered. Plus they had a chance too get some good old food too. I know even some went shopping. After their day doing all that, I got he chance to pick them back up and bring them home again, camp. 
After having pizza they loaded back up in the buses and drove over to Paradise Island and spend the evening walking around and sharing  God's Word with those people. Plus they had a chance to see the Dig at Atlantis. You know where most of the leaders went? That right Star Bucks and get their fix. I did not drive them there this time. I really am not to keen on driving the buses at night time. It just sometime hard to see people walking along the road or even the glare off the windshield when the head lights hit it. There is always someone willing to drive there, remember STAR BUCKS? 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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