Sunday, February 16, 2014

You can see this place is a jumping.

I am still having trouble with the inter net ting, but here goes. Okay on Friday night I had a chance to sit down and just enjoy a hot dog and fries with the CCA 8th graders. Then afterwards Pastor Mike and Tim had some fun starting a bonfire. You can see them in the second to the last picture. These guys were having some fun. They even got to close and fried their eye brows a little. But at the end of the night, I could hear the students sing praise to our Lord and just enjoying the warmth. At the end I just asked them to let it burn itself out. which you can see it did. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...