Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thats right, Single's night out.

It is funny, but these months are flying by. I feel like I just wrote about the singles a week or so. But as always we had some fun. You know people come in at different times. They have lives before Singles. Not me I was there on time, because I don't have a life. 
Over all we played a game, not sure the name of it. But each person get a sticker on their back. It is a name of someone we should all know. Okay I found out I was Michcelle Obama. Last time we played this around 1 year or so. I was Hillary Clinton. What are they trying to say???? There was a couple I just didn't know who they were.
We had a KFC and everyone brought something too, salads,drinks, ice and even desert. After that we all had to pick up a piece of paper that was folded up. Then we had to explain how we would deal with it. Mine was angry. How do I deal with it? Well most time not to good. I get mad and walk away most times. But if something has been building up, LOOK OUT, here it flies. I shouldn't say that, it is not as bad as it use to be, before I was a Christian. 
It is neat to hear other people ideas about dating and just going out with each other. I have not dated now for 13 years. I have gone out and enjoy others company, but not a date, so much. The reason is, we as Christians are not to date. It should be find a mate and do things to together, but with others. Plus praying and asking God to show me if this is the one to marry? Dating back in my day was going out and trying to find a young lady and just have fun. With another things on my mind. 
Hey I look at my life now and say, I enjoy what I have and do. It is nice to be able to go see a movie or have dinner, but I need to have others around me. 
Hey if you have something to add, please e mail me at, 
Love to hear from you. 

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