Thursday, February 06, 2014

Thats right part two of our gate tings.

After our devotion time, it is show time. We took down the old gate on the right hand side now. Bob had to do some welding on the hinges and put in a couple of pieces of pipe for the pins to set on. Plus we even put in grease fittings. A sad note, I really am trying to help here, put I started to put on the new L brackets on the wrong area. So now, we have a couple of extra holes under the hinge there. It is some times hard for me to focus on all that goes on around here. I think one thing and start, then find out NO. I need to help when asked too. I look and think here I can help out. Okay looking around and seeing, I think we are done with a tool. I pick it up and put it away, now Tim ask where is that tool? Folks I really do love when people come to help us and all they do. But sometimes I feel like I am watching more than working. I really do want to help. Just like Bob, he knows how to weld, I can hold things for him and clean things up. But he is the welder. Tim is the same, he loves working with wood, I wish I had his skill. But I don't. So as people come and go through our gates here, I just want to say thank you very much.
Okay now back to the gate.Tim finished the gate with the L brackets and hinges. Now time to bring it up front and put it in. Mean while Eric stopped by to help us too. I am very blessed to have even Shawn and Mark be willing to help us. So the gate is up and let us see what happens. There is a small problem, nothing we (Tim) could not fix. The doors are hitting on the top. The old pins we are using are worn down and there really is nothing we can do except work with what we have. So Tim had to do a little trimming. It will finished up today. Tim told me that he would stop by this morning (maybe afternoon). To make it look beautiful. I am so blessed to have some great guys like Tim and Bob and to call them friends too. 

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